The term sound blocking is commonly used to describe a range of products and services that are designed to prevent unwanted sounds from entering or exiting your space. This can include anything from noise deadening panels to acoustic drywall to acoustic insulated ceilings and more. There are three basic ways to reduce sound: increase the distance between source and receiver (walk away from that noisy bar or wear earplugs at a rock concert), absorb it or decouple it. Typically, the best way to block sound is to use physical barriers that are solid and heavy enough to keep out airborne noises.

It is important to note that the same material used to block sound can also be used for acoustical treatment. The two are not identical and are rated with different acoustic rating systems. The most effective products will combine both blocking and absorption properties to achieve the best results in your space.

Blocking Sound

The best soundproofing materials will be heavy, dense, and airtight. They can include anything from acoustic drywall to wallboard or concrete. These types of materials are best used in walls or ceilings to isolate them from each other. They can also be used to block sound from outside or from neighboring spaces.

For example, home theaters can benefit from adding soundproofing materials to the walls and floors to ensure a great movie experience. This will help to clarify the film and music and minimize distracting noises like traffic, neighbors, or construction work. Offices and schools can also improve their acoustical quality with soundproofing treatments. This will help to clarify the voice of a lecturer or speaker and reduce distracting echoes.