As the days gradually become shorter and the temperatures drop noticeably, there is a growing need to make yourself comfortable at home and gradually adapt to the cooler season. Just as you make your car fit for the winter, you should not neglect the house, garden, apartment, or terrace. With our checklist, you are well prepared for the “frosty” days.

Check the heating circuit and bleed the radiator

It is often the simplest things that you forget in everyday life. This includes the regular venting of the radiators. Your radiators often only get lukewarm, even though the heating is running at the highest level? Most of the time, this is due to a non-vented heater. Air “trapped” in the heating circuit prevents the heating output and is also noticeable on your account. Therefore: bleed regularly. The four-legged roommates in the house are also happy about this.

Thoroughly clean the windows before the first cold snap

As mentioned on our blog many times, modern windows have very good thermal insulation properties that can help save energy. To ensure that you will continue to benefit from it in the coming winter, you should free your windows – especially the seals – from dust and dirt.

The insulation properties of your windows are maintained, no room heat escapes to the outside. Cleaning the windows with a special agent also makes sense in the wet months. Also, special cleaning devices such as window vacuums help with basic cleaning or simple cleaning in between. Pro tip: Not only your windows but also gutters are happy about basic cleaning. Before the first frost or snow, it should be ensured that gutters and drains are free of leaves.

Check windows and doors for burglary security

Speaking of windows: poorly secured windows and doors are often an invitation for burglars to twilight. This can be remedied by locking window handles or modern alarm systems, for example. Additional motion detectors installed for outdoor lighting can also help protect your home from attempts to gain access.

If you can hold a little more money in your hand and want to be completely on the safe side, invest in long-term security windows such as the KF 500. It offers the highest security standards with a modern and timeless look and is practically impossible to break into for burglars.

Protect garden plants or hibernate inside the house

Fuchsias, oleanders, citrus plants, and the like are welcome garden plants in summer due to their blossoms and fruit stands. However, since these plants are sensitive to the cold, they must be overwintered indoors. It is best to fertilize again in autumn so that enough nutrients are available for the plants during the rest period. Watering should seldom be during this time so that the winter stiffness goes smoothly over the stage. Crops planted in the garden can also be protected with covers.

And if we are already in the garden: the lawn should be cleared of fallen leaves in autumn. Furry onlookers like hedgehogs are happy about the resulting pile of leaves. And if you want to do even more good for nature in winter, you can set up bird feeders for tits, robins & co.